Our journey to bring Jada home begins in the morning! Our plane leaves Little Rock @ noon. We will be traveling to Atlanta and then to Paris before arriving in Beirut around 4pm Sunday (Beirut is 8 hrs ahead of AR). Our actual flight time is approx 20 hrs. Josianne is to meet us @ the airport to pick us up.
Our hotel is Century Park Hotel in Kaslik, NE of Beirut-about 20kms. If you want to look it up it's www.centuryparkhotel.com.lb/hotel.htm .
Our plan is to return home Feb 8th. With the riots going on in the city, Josianne said she would try to get us out of Lebanon earlier than expected. If she works hard enough, a lot earlier!! But we will see how the process goes so not to get too excited!
We are so excited. You should hear the boys say "Lebanon." Come home quickly and safely. We will be thinking of you every minute.
We are praying for your safety and a quick return home. We are excited to know that Jada will be coming home with the best parents ever. Love you guys!
Yeah!!! Praise the LORD. We will be praying for the LORD to bless your time there and to bring the 3 ;o) of you home safely!
love you lots!
Congratulations Jonathan and Rachel! I hope that you are holding Jada at this very minute! She is so beautiful! My family and I are praying for your safe trip home. Love, Abby Trites
Kiss Jada for me. We are praying for y'all. God is with you - you know that!
We can't wait to have you ALL back home safe and sound!
I cannot imagine the feelings you must have at this moment. I'm looking forward to your return home with Jada in your arms. I believe the Lord is there with you and that God will bless the three of you and keep you safe. Love and prayers.
Hey guys!! Everyone at Coker-Hampton is thinking of you often. Of course, all of the employees are thinkinig of you and praying for all of you, and a lot of customers are asking, too. We love you.
Our families have heard from them by e-mail and telephone. She's beautiful (according to Rachel, who is not partial). She has blue eyes and long lashes. She was excited to see her mommy and daddy.
Shelby wanted me to email you guys and see how Baby Jada is doing. She also wants to know how Ray-Ray is doing. She told Dad yesterday that she couldn't give him a hug because her hugs were for Baby Jada and Ray-Ray. She told me to tell Ja-Ja that she guessed that she was missing him too. Love ya!! Prayers are with you at all times from our families.
Our prayers have been answered, Jada is very beautiful. And when I look at her, she reveals that our trust in God has been strengthened and our patience lengthened, because the Lord has blessed your sweet family.
Thank you heavenly Father for the wonderful love and family Jonathan and Rachel have in their home and will give Jada!
I praise your name Father they will teach Jada to trust in You and seek your guidance!
I am thankful Father they will show her the importance of prayer in the direction of their lives.
I celebrate the Glory of God, Our Heavenly Father who has directed your love and led you to Lebanon for Jada's special birth and homecoming!
We are all praying for God to guide you home safe!
I couldn't help but cry when I heard that y'all got to see Jada. They were only happy tears! I can only imagine the emotions that were flowing. God is definately in control here!
I have such a peace about your time with Jada that you're now able to share & have had for a very long time. I knew God was going to make this glorious day happen in your life. Now all prayers are called up for your return home to us. I am so thankful you've opened your life up to us to share in this with all of you. This has been a very clear picture of God at work from the very beginning....what a testimony!!!
Prepare yourself for the wave of people to attack on your return, ha!
Much love...Mary Ann
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